A faithful son begins an elaborate campaign to convert his father - a staunch atheist, but it turns out to be an extremely complicated mission.
With the best of intentions, Pawel tries to bring his aging father to the path of faith, but Andrzej Rodan is a libertine philosopher and a well-known author of scandalous novels from the late 1980s, so the son's mission seems rather hopeless. The two embark on a journey through Poland during which, amidst savoury dialogue and dramatic interactions, family memories and secrets begin to emerge, brought to the present in a clever and inspired way with the help of archival footage.
Original Title:Bóg i Wojownicy Lunaparków
Director:Bartłomiej Zmuda
Music: Mikołaj Majkusiak
Sound: Artur Walaszczyk
Editors: Rafał Stós, Agnieszka Kowalczyk, Bartłomiej Żmuda
Cinematographer: Michał Opala
Production Company: Unsin Studio