Archive 2024


Bachir in Wonderland

Els Duran, Evelien Vehof • Netherlands • 2018 • 16 min
Bachir, an 11-year-old boy living in a refugee camp in the Sahara desert, has the chance to step onto another continent, to see a whole new world.
Bachir was born in a refugee camp in Africa, where his family arrived more than 40 years ago because of war. Bachir's family's life in the desert is extremely simple: they live in mud huts, without furniture, toys or the comforts of electricity and running water. Through humanitarian action, Bachir ends up spending the summer with a family in Barcelona. The movie shows the huge contrast between Bachir's world and the world we live in and take for granted, forcing us to see it with new eyes and re-evaluate the "wonders" we have at our disposal and have forgotten to appreciate.
Recommended for understanding diversity.
Acest film este potrivit pentru a fi vizionat de către elevii din clasele II-IV.
Original Title:Bachir in Wonderland
Directors:Els Duran,Evelien Vehof
Production Company: EO docs